Emeritus Professor of Biology
PhD Biology Harvard University
BSc (Hons) Biology, Acadia University, Canada
Diploma Land Surveying, Nova Scotia Land Survey Institute, Canada (renamed Centre of Geographic Sciences)

Email: ann.fraser@kzoo.edu
- 2024 Retired from Kalamazoo College
- 2018-2024 Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College, MI
- 2008-2018 Associate Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College, MI
- 2007-2010 Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Assistant Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College, MI
- 2003-2008 Assistant Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College, MI
- 2001-2003 Visiting Assistant Professor, The University of the South, Sewanee, TN
- 1998-2001 Postdoctoral Research Associate, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Research Interests
My research interests centered around questions about biodiversity and behavior in insects. I used chemical, behavioral, physiological and ecological approaches to elucidate factors that influence the establishment and maintenance of plant-insect and insect-insect interactions. In 2008 my lab turned its attention to pollinators and their conservation. We conducted periodic surveys to document native bee diversity in Southwest Michigan and examine interactions between bees and native plants in the area. In 2020 my lab launched a citizen science project (Southwest Michigan Bee Watch) to document bumble bee diversity in natural and managed landscapes in the area. Together with a multidisciplinary team from USA and India, I also continue to collaborate on a project examining pollinator health and apple grower livelihoods in the Western Himalayas.
Courses Taught
- SEMN171 Social Bee-ings (First Year Seminar)
- BIOL102 The Darwinian Revolution
- BIOL123 Form and Function with Lab
- BIOL/PSYC290 Animal Behavior with Lab
- BIOL395 Plant-Animal Interactions with Lab
- BIOL396 Entomology with Lab
- BIOL489 Chemical Ecology
Grants and Awards
National Science Foundation, RISE Program Award #2409184 (Contract researcher and grant proposal contributor); $1.8M
“DISES: Do landscapes shape the emergence of institutions governing the pollinator commons?“; 2024-2027
Great Lakes Colleges Association’s New Directions in Global Scholarship grant (Co-PI); $49,584
“Apples, Bees, and Livelihoods in the Western Himalayas”; 2019-2023
Kalamazoo Community Foundation, Love Where You Live Environment Fund grant (Project Leader); $7,000
“Lillian Anderson Arboretum Pollinator Friendly Landscape Restoration Project”; 2019-2020
National Science Foundation, DUE S-STEM Program Award #1356488 (Co-PI); $608,546
“Kalamazoo Scholars: Expanding an Active Science Program Through Scholarships“; 2014-2020
National Science Foundation, RUI Collaborative Award #0522178 (PI); $175,849
“Chemosensory basis of host selection by ant-associated butterflies“; 2005-2008
Professional Service
Research Advisory Board, Center for Ecology Development and Research, Dehradun, India (2020-present)
Editorial board, Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2021-present)
Subject Editor, Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2006-present)
(* denotes undergraduate coauthor)
Fraser, A.M., Allington, G.R.H., Luthra, A., Virkar, P. Rana, S., Suyal, R., Rawat, A., Ratna, A., Cunningham, K., Raikwal, N., Pandey, A. and Singh, V. (2024). Pollination deficit in apples increases with elevation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 371, 109068. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2024.109068
Luthra, A., Cunningham, K., Fraser, A.M., Pandey, A., Rana, S. and Singh, V. (2022). Ecological livelihoods of farmers and pollinators in the Himalayas: Doing critical physical geography using citizen science. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe Canadien, 67(1), 35-51. DOI: 10.1111/cag.12799
Gray, S., L. Coates, A. Fraser and P. Pierce. 2015. Developing research skills across the undergraduate curriculum. New Direction for Higher Education, 169: 85-94. DOI: 10.1002/he.20125
Morrison, W.R. III*, J. T. Waller*, A.C. Brayshaw*, D.A. Hyman*, M.R. Johnson* and A.M. Fraser. 2012. Evaluating multiple arthropod taxa as indicators of invertebrate diversity in old fields. The Great Lakes Entomologist 45: 56-68. DOI: 10.22543/0090-0222.2238 | (PDF)
Fass, M.F. and A.M. Fraser. 2009. Building Global Awareness through Biology, Public Health and Study Abroad: How Science Study Can Prepare Students for Study Abroad, and How Study Abroad Can Prepare Scientists for Citizenship. In: E. Brewer and K. Cunningham (eds), Integrating Study Abroad Into the Curriculum: Theory and Practice across the Disciplines. Stylus Publishing, Sterling, VA, pp. 173-189. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003445340-10
Martelli, M.G*., M.M. Ward* and A.M. Fraser. 2004. Ant diversity sampling on the southern Cumberland Plateau: a comparison of litter sifting and pitfall trapping. Southeastern Naturalist 3:113-126. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3877945 | BioOne access
Fraser, A.M., W.L. Mechaber and J.G. Hildebrand. 2003. Electroantennographic and behavioral responses of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta to host plant headspace volatiles. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29:1813-1833. DOI:10.1023/A:1024898127549
Fraser, A.M., T. Tregenza, N. Wedell, M.A. Elgar and N.E. Pierce. 2002. Oviposition tests of ant preference in a myrmecophilous butterfly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15:861-870. DOI: 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2002.00434.x
Fraser, A.M., A.H. Axen and N.E. Pierce. 2001. Assessing the quality of different ant species as partners of a myrmecophilous butterfly. Oecologia 129:452-460. DOI: 10.1007/s004420100744
Eastwood, R. and A.M. Fraser. 1999. Associations between lycaenid butterflies and ants in Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 24: 503-537. DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-169x.1999.01000.x
Fraser, A.M. and T.B. Herman. 1993. Territorial and reproductive behaviour in a sympatric species complex of the neotropical damselfly Cora Selys (Zygoptera: Polythoridae). Odonatologica 22:411-429. https://natuurtijdschriften.nl/pub/592054
Selected Conference Presentations
(* denotes undergraduate coauthor)
Oral Presentations
Virkar, P. and A.M. Fraser. 2021. Taking conservation beyond awareness generation: leveraging citizen science through diversity, abundance, and habitat assessment for pollination conservation in the Himalayas. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Denver, CO, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2021. (virtual presentation)
Fraser, A.M. 2014. Managing for Pollinators. The Science, Practice and Art of Restoring Native Ecosystems 2014, East Lansing, MI. (invited workshop presentation).
Blazek, L.C.* and A.M. Fraser. 2009. Instinct vs learning in the initiation of a species-specific caterpillar-ant mutualism. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, Dec. 13-16, 2009.
Fraser, A.M., A.P. Mutsaers*, B. Bullard*, J.S. Beckett* and J.E. Hofferberth. 2008. Butterfly olfactory responses to ant volatiles: potential cues for host ant recognition in the obligately ant-associated butterfly Jalmenus evagoras (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, State College, PA, Aug.17-22, 2008.
Hofferberth, J.E., J.S. Beckett*, J.D. Beckett* and A.M. Fraser. 2008. Synthesis and GC-EAD analysis of semiochemicals putatively used by the obligate ant-associated butterfly Jalmenus evagoras in host ant selection. 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, State College, PA, Aug. 17-22, 2008.
Poster Presentations
Arnosky*, S.E. and A.M. Fraser. 2011. Native bee diversity of Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in southwest Michigan. Michigan Entomological Society, Hastings, MI, June 2011.
Arnosky, S.E.* and A.M. Fraser. 2009. Native bee diversity of Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in southwest Michigan. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, Dec. 13-16, 2009.
Beckett, J.S.*, J.E. Hofferberth and A.M. Fraser. 2008. Synthesis of terpene derived natural products. 235th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 6-8, 2008.
Fraser, A.M., J.T. Waller*, W.R. Morrison III*, A.C. Brayshaw*, D.A. Hyman* and M.R. Johnson*. Evaluation of multiple arthropod taxa as indicators of ground-dwelling invertebrate biological diversity within open meadows. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA, Dec. 9-12, 2007.
Beckett, J.S.*, J.E. Hofferberth and A.M. Fraser. 2007. Concise synthesis of natural products iridodial and actinidine. 233rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 25-26, 2007.
Undergraduate Senior Thesis Students
(Senior Integrated Projects – direct supervision)
2022-23 Elijah Edlefson. “Floristic Quality and Pollinator Assessment of the Powerline Right-of-Way at the Lillian Anderson Arboretum”
2022-23 Katherine Rock. “New Invaders to Hardwood Forests: Discovering Jumping Worms (Amynthas) at the Lillian Anderson Arboretum”
2022-23 Elizabeth Silber. “Urban or Rural? Does it matter to bumble bees. An analysis in Kalamazoo, MI”
2020-21 Nicole Bailey. “Variation in Bumble Bee Foraging Preferences by Flower Characteristics in Southwest Michigan”
2020-21 Alexa Dulmage. “An Analysis of Bee Diversity and Sampling Techniques in Southwest Michigan”
2020-21 Nikoli Nickson. “The Efficacy of the Southwest Michigan Bee Watch Citizen Science Program and the Assessment of Landscape in Determining Bumble Bee Diversity”
2019-20 Amy Cazier. “Assessment of Floristic Quality and Plant-pollinator Interactions on the Powerline Right-of-way at the Lillian Anderson Arboretum”
2019-20 Trevor Rigney. “Native Bee Nesting Abundance and Diversity at the Lillian Anderson Arboretum”
2018-19 Ian Freshwater. “Utilizing organizational and motivational theories to establish a strong organizational culture for the Kalamazoo College Council of Student Representatives” (co-supervised with Brian Dietz, Associate Dean of Students, Director of Student Involvement and the Hicks Student Center)
2018-19 Erik Funke. “Bees of the Lillian Anderson Arboretum”
2017-18 Viridiana Carvajal. “Bilingual Education at El Sol Elementary” (co-supervised with Ms. Candace Bailey Combs, Learning Support Specialist and ESL Coordinator, Kalamazoo College)
2017-18 Kyra Blum. “An Observation of Plant-Pollinator Interactions at Kalamazoo College”
2015-16 Elizabeth Lenning. “Success in Science: Identifying Barriers and Bridges to First Year Students’ Success in Introductory Undergraduate Biology and Chemistry Courses” (co-supervised with Dr. Jeff Bartz, Chemistry Department)
2014-15 Abraham Bayha. “An Investigation of Potentially Aggressive Interactions between Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) and Native Bees in Nature Preserves”
2014-15 Anup Bhullar. “Recovery Plans for the Karner Blue Butterfly: Assessment of Habitat for Endangered Species Introduction” (co-supervised with Ashley Wick, Biological Research Director, Kalamazoo Nature Center)
2014-15 Jared Grimmer. “Do Bees Prefer Spotted Knapweed over Other Co-flowering Plant Species?”
2014-15 Jack Kemper. “Assessing the impacts of European honey bee (Apis mellifera) introduction on native bees in prairie ecosystems”
2012-13 Conrad Liu. “HPLC Analysis of Cardenolide Induction in Asclepias syriaca Leaves and Nectar Following Application of Jasmonic Acid” (co-supervised with Dr. Jennifer Furchak, Chemistry Department)
2012-13 Nicholas Smith. “Detection of Iridoids in Snapdragons and Methods to Observe Effects of Toxic Nectar on Pollination Behavior of Bumblebees”
2012-13 Mary Shaun Wald. “Effects of Simulated Herbivory on Cardenolide Levels in Asclepias syriaca and Consequences for Butterfly Pollinators”
2010-11 Melissa Bayci. “Effects of a neonicotinoid insecticide on egg and larval stages of the green frog, Rana clamitans” (co-supervised with Dr. Paul Sotherland, Biology Department)
2008-09 Sarah Arnosky. “Native Bee Diversity of Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in Southwest Michigan”
2008-09 Leah Blazek. “Instinct versus Learning in the Development of a Species-Specific Caterpillar-Ant Symbiosis”
2007-08 Alexander Mutsaers. “Identification of Ant Volatile Compounds Through Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy and the Stimulated Response of Jalmenus evagoras Antennae”
2006-07 Brett Bullard. “Investigation of the Differences in GC-FID Profiles of Genus Iridomyrmex Ant Volatiles and GC-EAD Responses of a Myrmecophilous Butterfly, Jalmenus evagoras (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)”
2006-07 Kathryn Drumm. “Artificial Diet Trials for the Butterfly Jalmenus evagoras (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)”
2005-06 Joseph Waller. “Invertebrate Diversity in Old-Field Sites in Southwest Michigan: Assessment of Indicator Taxa and Examination of Ecological Correlates of Diversity”