
The Bio Department is remodeling its course offerings! Use this page to chart your path forward.

The biology program provides a broad exposure to major principles in contemporary life sciences and a depth of offerings in concentrated areas. Ranging from the classic to the modern, the program is designed to serve both those students with professional interest in biology and those desiring an introductory contact with the field. Careers for biology majors include a wide range of opportunities such as biochemistry, physiology, ecology, evolutionary biology, animal behavior and biomedical fields.

Consult course descriptions for required or recommended prerequisites.  All biology courses at the 100 level are open to nonmajors without prerequisite.

Independent research projects conducted with biology faculty during the academic year may gain course credit if approved for registration as BIOL 200: Research Apprenticeship in Biology and BIOL 398/498: Independent Study in Biology

Complete Listing of Biology Courses

BIOL 101 Biology Explorations Biology Explorations is the "jumping on" point for all students to begin their college-level biology learning through small-class and small-group exploration of a focused biology topic. The course will use a "framework of five" core biology concepts (evolution; structure/function; information flow; energy; systems) to guide study of this biology topic. Each small class will periodically combine with other BIOL-101 classes for "conference" days where students will be exposed to large-group presentations/discussion. The course culminates in a "conference" day poster session where students will be challenged to teach about a topic that they explored during the quarter via a poster presentation. Note: Students who received credit for BIOL-112 may not register for this course.
BIOL 198 Independent Study
BIOL 200 Research Apprenticeship in Biology Apprenticeships intended to provide opportunities for biology majors to become regularly involved in ongoing research projects with faculty, either with the same faculty member for a number of quarters or with different faculty in different quarters. A minimum of 50 hours of work is expected for each quarter. Three apprenticeships earn one full unit toward graduation.
BIOL 201 Cell and Molecular Biology with Lab The complex workings of individual cells will be explored from a molecular perspective. Topics include the flow of genetic information, cell structure and mechanics, metabolism, cell signaling, and regulation. An integrated laboratory will introduce cell and molecular techniques, including cell culture, transfection, microscopy, protein isolation, bioinformatics, and immunoprecipitation. BIOL-101, BIOL-112, or BIOL-123 with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 202 Climate Biology Major subject areas to be covered in this course are organism-level responses to variable environments and dynamics of populations, communities, and ecosystems. Climate Biology explores the foundational principles of ecology through the lens of climate change. Ecology (derived from the Greek oikos or "home") is the study of organisms in their environments and the interactions that shape the distribution and abundance of life. BIOL-101, BIOL-112, or BIOL-123 with a minimum grade of C-
BIOL 224 Ecology and Conservation with Lab Ecology is rooted in natural history, the description of organisms in their environments. Ecologists study interactions in nature across many levels of biological organization, from individuals to populations, communities, ecosystems, and, finally, the entire biosphere; this course is organized along this continuum. How do we explain the distribution and abundances of organisms? How do populations of different species interact as competitors, as predators and prey, as pathogens and hosts, and as mutualists? And finally, given the planet-wide environmental impact of our species, how can ecologists apply their knowledge to the conservation of natural resources? BIOL-123 with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 232 Plant and Fungal Biology With Lab This course will explore two eukaryotic kingdoms: plants and fungi! These awesome creatures are very different from animals: they are usually stuck in one place; they do not process information with a brain; they are modular; they have some very interesting reproductive strategies and genetics; they have evolved to eat the sun (plants) and degrade other organisms (fungi). We will learn about the plant and fungal kingdoms generally, including their major phyla, while covering broad aspects of structure, development, growth, reproduction, and symbioses of these organisms. This course is for any student who is interested in learning more about plants and fungi at different levels of organization: from molecular to ecosystem. BIOL-201, BIOL-224, or BIOL-246 with a minimum grade of C- or permission of instructor.
BIOL 285 Evolutionary and Developmental Genetics Evolution is the central organizing principle of biology. This course explores the genetic principles--from molecular through population levels-- underlying evolution, with particular emphasis on the development and evolution of multicellular organisms. BIOL-201, BIOL-246, or BIOL-224. Open to Biology majors only.
BIOL 295 Human Anatomy w/Lab This course is intended as an introduction course in Human Anatomy. It is designed to provide a strong foundation in human anatomy to pre- health students in health-oriented, medical, and biological disciplines. In order to enhance this knowledge, students will be exposed to anatomic terminology. The subject matter includes musculoskeletal systems, axial and appendicular skeleton, nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, urinary system, respiratory system, and male and female reproductive system. We will use Visible Body Courseware as a comprehensive online learning platform packed with the most advanced immersive 3D learning content on the human body.
BIOL 295 Behavioral Ecology Behavioral Ecology is the study of interactions between individuals within a population and communities in an evolutionary context. Behavioral ecology seeks to understand why a specific behavior confers a fitness advantage to an individual given a set of ecological and social conditions. In this special topic course, we will cover a wide variety of behavioral ecology topics like group formation & social behavior, predator-prey interactions, foraging decisions, habitat selection, mate choice, parental care, territoriality, altruism, and communication. We will finish with an understanding of how behavioral ecology tools can be used in conservation. In addition, students will use methods and techniques of behavioral ecology to ask interesting questions in behavior and complete their scientific inquiry on a research topic. BIOL-224 with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 295 Sensory Circuits In this lecture course module, we will examine the key principles that underlie the functioning of sensory nervous system and the associated maladaptive states. We will explore neural systems ranging in complexity from peripheral receptors to central mechanisms of behavioral control. BIOL-201, BIOL-224, or BIOL-246 with a minimum grade of C- or permission of instructor.
BIOL 312 Population and Community Ecology with Lab This course builds upon principles studied in BIOL 224. Using both theoretical and empirical approaches, we will explore in greater depth: population ecology, demography, life history strategies, species interactions, community structure and dynamics for both aquatic and terrestrial communities. Labs will focus on the methods ecologists use to answer questions about the distribution and abundance of organisms; students will explore local habitats and conduct independent research. BIOL-112, BIOL-123, & BIOL-224 All course prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 322 General and Medical Microbiology with Lab This course includes a general introduction to microbiology including the structure and function, metabolism, and genetics of bacteria, archaea, viruses, and eukaryotic microbes. This basic introduction is expanded by topics including the roles of microorganisms in biogeochemical cycling, food microbiology, the pathogenesis of infectious diseases, and the benign and beneficial role that microorganisms play in the human body. Labs will focus on using standard microbiological techniques (e.g. sterile technique, dilution and culture-dependent assays, microscopy, molecular and computational biology) as tools for inquiry-based explorations of the microbial world. BIOL-112, BIOL-123, & BIOL-246 All course prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 323 Vertebrate Biology with Lab Broad-based study of comparative anatomy and life histories of adult vertebrates and how these influence our understanding of vertebrate phylogeny; laboratories in comparative anatomy and diversity of vertebrates. BIOL-224 with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 350 Neurobiology with Lab Structure and function of the nervous system will be considered, in addition to the molecular and cellular workings of individual neurons. Topics include cell biology of neurons, electrophysiology, sensory and motor systems, brain development, and dysfunction of the nervous system. An integrated laboratory will focus on neuroanatomy, histology, physiological simulations, and neuronal cell culture. BIOL-112, BIOL-123, & BIOL-246 or permission of instructor All course prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 352 A Survey of Biochemistry This course is designed for students interested in understanding biochemical processes, and is good preparation for health-related studies. The course is an overview of the chemical mechanisms underlying biological processes including structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, and lipids; enzymatic catalysis and kinetics; an introduction to bioenergetics; pathways of carbohydrate metabolism; survey of lipid and amino acid metabolism; and integration of metabolism. CHEM-220; Biology majors only All course prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-. BIOL-352 must be taken previously or concurrently
BIOL 352L Intro to Biochemical Analyses Overview of basic biochemical laboratory techniques with emphasis on protein isolation and characterization, enzyme kinetics, and bioinformatics. Students will devise and execute independent research projects as part of the course final project. Laboratory and scientific writing, oral communication, and preparation of quality figures and tables will also be emphasized. CHEM-220, Minimum grade of C- CHEM/BIOL-352 Lecture must be taken previously or concurrently
BIOL 360 Immunology and Human Health with Lab Introduction to basic principles of the mammalian immune system, including recognition of pathogens, mechanisms of pathogen clearance, the regulation of immune cells, and the evolution of immunity. We will explore current topics in immunology and human health, including personalized medicine, the rise of autoimmune diseases, and the cost of health care. Labs will cover both experimental infection models (e.g. nematodes) and molecular techniques in immunology (e.g. nucleic acid analysis). BIOL-112, BIOL-123, & BIOL-246 All course prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 376 Human Physiology with Lab This course explores the functioning and regulation of the human body. We will cover a variety of body systems as well as relevant emerging fields (e.g., evolutionary medicine). Emphasis will be placed in unifying themes (integrative physiology, homeostasis and the external environment, the role of evolution in shaping human physiology). Laboratories will include student-led experiments, primary literature discussions, presentations, and case studies. BIOL-112, BIOL-123, and either BIOL-224 or BIOL-246 with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 385 Medical & Molecular Genetics With Lab This course takes a molecular lens to genetics-focusing primarily on processes at the level of DNA, RNA and proteins-and draws heavily, but not exclusively, from examples from human genetics that therefore have medical implications. This course aims to prepare students for graduate and professional studies focusing on genetics. BIOL-112 & BIOL-246 All course prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 390 Animal Behavior with Lab The study of animal behavior seeks to describe and explain behavior on multiple levels - from underlying physiological causation to evolutionary origin. Using examples from barnacles and worms to birds and mammals, this course examines behaviors such as orientation, communication, foraging, territoriality, reproduction and sociality. Through lectures, research literature and laboratory studies students will build proficiency in designing, conducting, analyzing and evaluating behavioral studies and gain new appreciation for the subtlety and complexity of behavior and its application to fields such as animal welfare and conservation. Must have taken BIOL-112, BIOL-123, and either BIOL-224 or BIOL-246.. All prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 395 Advanced Vertebrate Biology
BIOL 395 Wildlife Ecology With Lab The Wildlife Ecology course will help students to gain a better understanding of the depth and breadth of the field of wildlife ecology with emphasis on understanding the ecology, dynamics, principles of conservation, and factors affecting wildlife resources. Through lectures and labs, students will learn about multiple approaches to studying wildlife, conservation, and also some techniques employed for ecological sampling and analysis. Students will learn basic concepts about population ecology, habitat use, selected animal diseases, and conservation of endangered species. They will also gain skills in GIS analysis They will also explore how global change is affecting wildlife population and distribution. Must have taken BIOL-224
BIOL 396 Entomology with Lab A comprehensive introduction to the biology and classification of insects. Topics covered include insect structure, function, development, behavior, principles of control, identification, systematics, and evolution. Laboratories include field trips to local sites to observe and collect insects, and to view ongoing basic and applied research projects by local entomologists. Students will gain experience in rearing and handling insects. All are required to assemble a collection of local insects. BIOL-224 with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 420 Advanced Molecular Genetics W/ Lab Advanced treatment of principles and methods of modern molecular genetics. Building on principles from core biology courses, this course covers multiple perspectives on genetics, including gene structure and regulation, modes and patterns of inheritance, identification and manipulation of specific genes, as well as population and quantitative genetics. Laboratories feature classical and molecular approaches including gene mapping with Drosophila, PCR and sequencing-based human genotyping, and accessing and utilizing bioinformatics databases. BIOL-112, BIOL-123, & BIOL-246 with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 480 Topics in Biology: Plant-Animal Interactions Throughout their 500 million years of shared evolutionary history, plants and animals have interacted as antagonists and mutualists. We will explore that history by examining major forms of interaction (herbivory, pollination, seed dispersal, and protection); how these interactions shape the chemistry, physiology, behavior and life history of interacting partners; how these interactions have helped generate the diverse life forms we see today; and why these interactions are vital to maintaining functioning ecosystems. We will use lecture/student presentations, discussion of scientific and lay audience literature, and hands-on observation, experimentation and service to explore the theory, practice and application of plant-animal interaction studies. BIOL-224 with a minimum grade of C-
BIOL 482 Topics in Biology: Evolutionary Ecology Evolutionary ecology lies at the intersection of ecology and evolution: it seeks to explain the ecology of organisms in the context of evolution and patterns of evolution as explained by ecological processes. In this course, we will discuss theoretical/synthetic and empirical studies so that young biologists gain a solid foundation on evolutionary ecology. Assessment will consist of written assignments and the effective leadership of discussions. BIOL-224 and BIOL-246 with junior or senior standing. All pre-requisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 484 Topics in Biology: Neurodegenerative Disorders The molecular underpinnings of nervous system disease and injury states will be investigated. A combination of lectures, discussions, and student presentations of research articles will be employed. Course readings will come exclusively from the primary literature. Topics covered will include neurodegenerative diseases, nervous system injury states, drug addiction, and brain tumors. BIOL-246 with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 486 Topics in Biology: Animal Development & This course will explore the developmental and evolutionary basis of the morphological biodiversity of animals. Topics will include the fundamental pathways by which cells, tissues, organ systems and body plans develop, and how those pathways are modified during evolution. The course will integrate multiple levels of biological organization, ranging from molecular genetics, to cell biology, to organismal biology. Emphasis will be placed on reading and analysis of primary literature. BIOL-224 and BIOL-246. All course prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 488 Topics in Biology: The Symbiotic Habit A comprehensive overview of current symbiosis research literature, focusing on animal-microbe relationships and with special emphasis on the human microbiome. This course will highlight both model- and non model-based approaches for understanding topics ranging from molecular biology to ecology and symbiotic relationships. Students will be responsible for reading primary literature and participating in discussion, oral presentations, and concise scientific writing. BIOL-224 and BIOL-246. All course prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 490F Senior Seminar (Full Year) Participation in a seminar involving teaching and research in the literature and consideration of current biological questions; preparation for SIP research through literature search and critical discussion of pertinent papers; preparation and defense of completed thesis based upon SIP research. (Fall component of full-year course.) Biology Major and Senior Standing
BIOL 490S Senior Seminar (Full Year) Participation in a seminar involving teaching and research in the literature and consideration of current biological questions; preparation for SIP research through literature search and critical discussion of pertinent papers; preparation and defense of completed thesis based upon SIP research. (Spring component of full-year course.) Biology Major, Senior Standing, and take BIOL-490F
BIOL 490W Senior Seminar (Full Year) Participation in a seminar involving teaching and research in the literature and consideration of current biological questions; preparation for SIP research through literature search and critical discussion of pertinent papers; preparation and defense of completed thesis based upon SIP research. (Winter component of full-year course.) Biology Major, Senior Standing, and take BIOL-490F
BIOL 495 Synaptopathy: Synapse Dysfunction This course focuses on synaptic dysfunction known as synaptopathy. Optimal synaptic communication is crucial for proper skeletal muscle physiology (peripheral synapses) and brain physiology (central synapses). Many psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia or autism have been related to synaptic disturbances. Likewise, neurodegenerative diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease are characterized by disrupted synaptic structure and function. In this course students will read, discuss and present on contemporary research literature in the field to gain an understanding of the synaptic role in neurodegenerative and psychiatric disease, and the origins of resulting synaptopathies. BIOL-246 with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 495 ST: Epigenetics For the past decade or so, epigenetics, the study of heritable changes in phenotypes without changing the underlying nucleotide sequences, has been a popular topic for research. Even though this field of study is relatively new, emerging research highlights the importance of epigenetic patterns with regard to gene regulation, function, and disease. In this course we will investigate specific epigenetic phenomena exhibited in several eukaryotic organisms. We will use peer-reviewed scientific publications as well as secondary literature to better understand and investigate epigenetics mediated modulation of gene regulation and their phenotypic consequences and diseases that are a result of epigenetic misregulation. BIOL-224 and BIOL-246. All course prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-.
BIOL 495 Stem Cells & Regeneration A survey of the recent literature in Regenerative Biology, specifically focusing on model organisms. Topics include: roles of stem cells, cell signaling, immune and nervous systems in regeneration; as well as age dependent-regeneration, cell potency, and the regenerative capability of humans. This is an oral intensive course: student(s) will present findings from assigned readings, followed by class discussion. Students will have several asynchronous assignments, culminating in a written original defense of a regeneration model system based on course content/discussions. As students explore seminal papers in regeneration research they will read and discuss chapters from the book 'Anaximander' which chronicles a Greek/Roman centric origin of scientific thought by detailing the power of scientific observations and questions. This course while directed towards stem cell and regeneration biology will also be an exploration of the foundations of science and scientific thought. BIOL-246 with a minimum grade of C-
BIOL 593 Senior Integrated Project Each program or department sets its own requirements for Senior Integrated Projects done in that department, including the range of acceptable projects, the required background of students doing projects, the format of the SIP, and the expected scope and depth of projects. See the Kalamazoo Curriculum -> Senior Integrated Project section of the Academic Catalog for more details. Permission of department and SIP supervisor required.
BIOL 600 Teaching Assistantship