D. Blaine Moore

Professor of Biology

PhD University of Florida
BS University of North Florida

Tel: 269.337.7301; Office: Dow 303
Email: Blaine.Moore@kzoo.edu

Dr. Blaine Moore

  • 2014-present   Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College, MI
  • 2007-2014   Associate Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College, MI
  • 2004-2007   Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Assistant Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College, MI
  • 2001-2003   Assistant Professor of Biology, Kalamazoo College, MI
  • 2000-2001   Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology, Haverford College, Haverford, PA
  • 1998-2000   Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

Research Interests

My laboratory examines neurodegeneration, with a focus on the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that regulate neuronal cell death in particular diseases. Current work investigates the cell and molecular biology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and attempts to understand mechanisms involving the major proteins linked to the disorder. One project examines the regulation of proteases that cleave the amyloid precursor protein (APP) to produce the pathogenic amyloid beta peptide. A second project, recently funded by NSF, focuses on the functional evolution of the BACE1 enzyme and its APP/amyloid beta substrate. 


BIOL 246 Cell and Molecular Biology with Lab
BIOL 350 Neurobiology with Lab
BIOL 460 Molecular Basis for Nervous System Disorders
BIOL 490 Functioning as a Biologist

Grants and Fellowships

2018-2023: National Science Foundation RUI 1817867: Evolutionary origins of BACE1 and Amyloid Beta. $444,941.

2012-2013: Great Lakes Colleges Association New Directions Initiative: The subcellular mechanism of ethanol toxicity in human neurons. $14,500.

2003-2006: Keck Foundation, $380,000 to fund the W.M. Keck Laboratory for Cellular and Molecular Analysis,.

2002-2005: National Science Foundation: MRI #0215896, Acquisition of a Phosphorimager to Investigate Phosphorylation and Regulation of TACE, $73,863.

Selected Publications

(* denotes Kalamazoo undergraduate coauthor)

Langeland, JA, Baumann, L*, DeYoung, EM*, Varella, RA*, Mwenda, N*, Aguirre, A* and Moore, DB (anticipated 2023; manuscript in preparation) Early animal origin of BACE1 APP/Aβ proteolytic function.

Manyevitch, R, Protas, M, Scarpiello, S, Deliso, M Bass, B, Nanajian, A, Chang, M, Thompson, SM, Khoury, N, Gonnella, R, Trotz, M, Moore, DB, Harms, E, Perry, G, Clunes, L, Ortiz, A, Friedrich, JO, and Murray, IVJ (2018). Evaluation of metabolic and synaptic dysfunction hypotheses of Alzheimer’s disease (AD): a meta-analysis of CSF markers. Current Alzheimer Research 15(2):164-181.

Moore, DB, *Gillentine, MA, *Botezatu, NM, *Wilson, KA, *Benson AE and Langeland JA (2014) Asynchronous evolutionary origins of Aβ and BACE1.  Molecular Biology and Evolution. 31(3): 696-702.  doi:10.1093/molbev/mst262

Moore, DB (2013) editor, “Ethanol Neurotoxicity” special issue of Brain Sciences, Volume 3, issues 1-3. 

*Balan, AG, *Myers, BJ, *Maganti, J. and Moore, DB (2010) ER-targeted Bcl-2, and inhibition of ER-associated caspase-12, rescue cultured immortalized cells from ethanol toxicity. Alcohol, 44(6): 553-563.

Furge, LL, Stevens-Truss, R, Moore, DB, Langeland, J (2009) Vertical and horizontal integration of bioinformatics education: a modular, interdisciplinary approach. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 37 (1) Jan/Feb 24-55.

Moore, DB, Dueweke, A, Newton, CR, and Stevens-Truss, R (2005) Mentoring students in professional-quality science communication. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly March, 2005: 118-121.

Moore, DB, Madorsky, I, Paiva, M, and Heaton, MB (2004) Ethanol exposure alters neurotrophin receptor expression in the rat central nervous system: effects of neonatal exposure. Journal of Neurobiology, 60(1):114-26.

Moore, DB, Madorsky, I, Paiva, M, and Heaton, MB (2004) Ethanol exposure alters neurotrophin receptor expression in the rat central nervous system: effects of prenatal exposure. Journal of Neurobiology, 60(1):101-13.

Heaton, MB, Moore, DB, Paiva, M, Madorsky, I, Mayer, J, Shaw, G (2003) The role of neurotrophic factors, apoptosis-related proteins, and endogenous antioxidants in the differential temporal vulnerability of neonatal cerebellum to ethanol. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, 27 (4):657-669.

Heaton, MB, Paiva, M, Madorsky, I, Mayer, J, Moore, DB (2003) Effects of ethanol on neurotrophic factors, apoptosis-related proteins, endogenous antioxidants, and reactive oxygen species in neonatal striatum: relationship to periods of vulnerability. Developmental Brain Research, 140:237-252.